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The main aim of this organization is to produce healthy citizen for the country. This aim can only be achieved through participation in physical activities, keeping in mind the development of physical, moral, social and emotional aspects of an individual these important mile stones can help an individual to acquire knowledge and apply it in life for better living.

October 10-11, 2018

  • The college basketball team participated in a Basketball Championship (Women) at Dr. Y.S. Parmar Government P.G. College, Nahan (District Sirmour).
  • Amisha Negi (BA II) was selected in the Inter-University Championship Gurugram from October 29-November 3, 2018.
  • Khusbhoo (BA I), Tarkeshwari Prashar (BA II) and Amisha Negi (BA II) participated in an Open Basketball Tournament and bagged the first position.